Chairman’s Letter – February 2020

Dear Kennet Beekeeper, 

By now you should all have received, in the post, a hard copy of the Kennet Beekeepers Association’s 2020 Programme. If by any chance yours has not arrived please let me know, either by email or collect one from me at this Wednesday meeting when Dr Gerry Brierley will be talking on becoming an Accidental Apitherapist. All talks are at Bishop Cannings village hall SN10 2LA at 7.30. This talk is open to all members and their family.

KBKA members will be interested to hear that we have been approached by Devizes School who are doing a project on the uses of beeswax. I am not yet sure what will be involved but we need volunteers. We are looking for an initial commitment to work through the content and to deliver sessions in Sept or Oct 2020 and in June 2021. Each session will last max 45 minutes, with 3 sessions on each day (1 day in Autumn and 1 day in Summer). Volunteers do not need to commit to both sessions. If you wish to help please email our secretary Elaine Lewis:-

 A big thank you to Mario Caves for his work in being our representative on the  AHAT (Asian Hornet Action Team). He has handed the batten over to Andrew Reed who no doubt will be giving us information about any latest sightings and hopefully advising us of when and what we should  be doing in our apiaries to monitor this pest.  We don’t want it in the UK as honey production in some infested parts of France have gone down to 25% of what they were previously.

 For new and longstanding members I need to remind you that we do have a “For Sale” page on the club website.  There is no equipment on that page at this moment but if you ever wish to get rid of a bee equipment, or you are looking to buy, this is a free page for you to use. Contact our webmaster on:-   On the website you can also find reference to your 3rd party insurance cover  which is provided via to you via the  BBKA.

 At this time of year I always go on about checking your bees stores. With this warmer and ever changing climate they are flying and eating more food than they are gathering. So go out today and heft your hive – if it is at all light I would give them some fondant – you really can’t over feed at this time of year.

I am going to Beetradex 2020 on 14 March. It really is a good trade show with lots of discounts. I am not offering to collect 20 gallons of syurp, or 10 supers, but if there is a small object that I can collect for anyone let me know – cash up front please.  But do consider going yourself, or make up a KBKA group to exploit the opportunity of seeing the latest equipment.

May I remind you that the vacancy for Vice Chair of Wiltshire BeeKeepers is still unfilled and anyone interested should contact Stephen Auty email:-

There is a Bees Knees Ceilidh in aid of the Pewsey Bee Project on Saturday 15 February which should be good fun. See poster attached.  Do support if you can. I am apparently helping run the bar – so see you there. See attachments.
With best wishes,

Robert Carpenter Turner

Chairman Kennet Beekeepers

Tel: – 01672 852265    email:-