Chairman’s Letter – May 2020

Dear Kennet Beekeeper, 
Well, I have to start as last time by saying that I hope you are all keeping well.  There can really be no excuse during this lockdown for not having time to look after your bees.  Not only that the weather for the bees has been fantastic (even though it is raining while I write this) and the blossom is really great this year. I have one hive with a super full of honey and it is only just the end of April!  Not really bragging as some of my other hives are really very weak.  
To keep us all in touch I am going to try and host a ZOOM meeting this coming Wednesday 6 May at 7.30 for a live chat about our bees and beekeeping problems.  Do try and join in – it could be fun.  I am relatively new to Zoom but before you can join you do need to download the app onto your smart phone or computer.  As I do not have the paid version of Zoom I am only allowed to have a 40 minute meeting.  So we will have two meetings one starting at 7.30 and another starting at 8.30 with a 20 minute tea/coffee break between. May I just warn you that dogs, stray husbands and wives need to be kept out of the picture if at all possible – if you experiment with the zoom preferences you can change the background so we cannot see inside your home.  The details are:-
To join 7.30 meeting on 6 May go to this live link:-   (See email)
To join 8.30 on meeting on 6 May go to this live link:- (See email)
I will act as chair and, so we do not all try and speak at once, can you just hold your hand up if you wish to speak.
May I bring to your attention opportunities at 3 different locations within Wiltshire where you could site an offsite apiary. These are in the following areas: 
  1. Milton Lilbourne – Pewsey/Burbage area
  2. Minal Woodlands – Marlborough Area
  3. Green Lane allotments – Devizes
If this is something you would be interested in, please contact our Secretary Elaine in the first instance for more detailed information. Each site is different and she will be able to give you more specifics. Elaine can be contacted at
 Just a reminder that you can still order from The Bee Depot who offer a pre-ordered pickup. Just contact Diane Sleigh with your orders – 07879 811967 or email 
For the new beekeepers, and perhaps some older ones, I sending under separate cover by “Mail Drop”  two videos of a swarm that arrived in my garage on Thursday 23 April.(Really made for my Grandchildren – but you might enjoy).  Hopefully I will make a follow up video of what I found in the box of bees, still to be made. Do email me if you would like to see that follow up video as well. 
Attached at the end of this email is this great bee cartoon by Matt and a Free subscription to Bee Craft magazine Finally, a past member, Brenda Meech has some equipment to sell – list below. 
All best wishes to you all and your families
Robert Carpenter Turner

Chairman Kennet Beekeepers

Tel: – 01672 852265    email:-