Chairman’s Letter – September 2021

Dear Kennet Beekeeper,

After arranging a vote for the membership on what zoom lecture we should like the Buckfast beekeepers, Martin Hann and Clare Densley, to give on the 1st September I had only 9 replies. I sent out a reminder via the clubs WhatsApp group and I  got another 11 replies so the total was 20 and the winner was Pheromone communication – chemistry really is important in the language of love, but chemical messages are a sophisticated and complex system of instigating and supressing most of the behaviours which happen within our colonies. A glimpse of how bees fine tune their everyday lives with what oozes out of their glands.  When I advised Martin Hann what we wanted he said “ You must be a very cerebral group to want pheromones”. So Pheromones it is.  

Here are the joining details:-

Topic: Pheromone communication with Martin Hann and Clare Densley
Time: September 1, 2021 07:15 pm join early meeting to start at 7.30 pm
(See Email for Zoom details)

As we do not give any courses on Natural Beekeeping I thought that some members might be interested in the course locally at Rowdefield Farm on 11th and 12th September by Phil Chandler know as the barefoot beekeeper. Take a look at this website for all the information.

Nowadays we always have an Asian Hornet Week and this is 6 – 10 September.  As beekeepers you should all be aware the damage these hornets have done to bee colonies in Europe and we don’t want it here. So please make sure you know what your are looking for by checking Asian Hornets:- A Guide to the Public  and do go to the BBKA page by clicking here.

We have changed the day of our AGM to Monday 27th September at 7.30pm at Bishop Cannings village hall.  Could you all please put this change in your diary.  If you could drop Elaine an email to confirm if you are able to attend this will help ensure we have adequate attendance and that we are at quorate.  Elaine’s email is   

Our own Honey Show is (unchanged) on Wednesday 6th October and I am really happy that Chris Rawlings will be  our Honey Judge again this year, all at Bishop Canning village.  Really our Honey Show is in preparation for the Wiltshire Bee and Honey Day is on Saturday 9th October at the Corn Exchange in Devizes.Full details of the Kennet Honey Show and the Wiltshire Bee and Honey Day have already been circulated but further information about our AGM will follow early September, but do get prepared for the shows.

Finally, the BBKA are preparing for their annual meeting scheduled for January 2022, and are calling for any members who wish to put forward a point for consideration to make their views known. In the case of Kennet members, if you would like to send an email to Elaine, address as above, she will ensure your comments are delivered to the Wiltshire Beekeeper’s delegate, David Newell.

All best wishes
